>03-18-12: Gago1101
>Another question I had was if the transients in the mid-high frequencies require as much headroom as the transients in the bass region.
Yes provided that you are passive bi-amping (although I'd argue active bi-wiringis a more useful description of what's going on). Both amplifiers see the same input signal and (assuming you don't change the tap on an ampliier with transformer coupled outputs) will clip almost exactly where they would have when running the entire speaker full-range.
Active (real) bi-amplification lacks this drawback but takes a line level cross-over which in hi-fi applications must be designed for the drivers and enclosures in question and means it isn't a viable DIY proposition for most people.
>Would a 80wpc amp be able to give enough power to provide clean high volume sound (mid-high only) with a moderately affecient speaker, say 89db sensitivity?
>Another question I had was if the transients in the mid-high frequencies require as much headroom as the transients in the bass region.
Yes provided that you are passive bi-amping (although I'd argue active bi-wiringis a more useful description of what's going on). Both amplifiers see the same input signal and (assuming you don't change the tap on an ampliier with transformer coupled outputs) will clip almost exactly where they would have when running the entire speaker full-range.
Active (real) bi-amplification lacks this drawback but takes a line level cross-over which in hi-fi applications must be designed for the drivers and enclosures in question and means it isn't a viable DIY proposition for most people.
>Would a 80wpc amp be able to give enough power to provide clean high volume sound (mid-high only) with a moderately affecient speaker, say 89db sensitivity?