The 12 ax7/ ay7 / at7 aren’t really the same thing with different gain. They have very different plate resistances and drive capabilities, for starters. The Ares’ 12au7 slots are mu followers with a lot of flexibility - one element per tube used for gain and the other for output - so any of those tubes will work, but the 12ax7 is by far the worst choice here. It’s not a good output tube. That’s why I suggested at7 / ay7 / 12bh7.
I upgraded to a VAC Renaissance phono stage. Way more musical and organic, quieter, much better bass, and more detailed too. I used "way better" a lot because it’s all true - including the VAC’s sticker price! If I have one critique it’s that I actually like the CineMag blue-label SUT in the Ares Magnum more than the Lundahl LL1931 in the VAC (personal preference). But I bypass the VAC’s Lundahls with my choice of outboard SUT anyways - even sometimes with a CineMag Sky blue (great combo).