I used a mix of solid state and tube equipment. The main system was composed of Edge power and pre amps, with the SF Strads as our main speaker. We did substitute the battery powered Edge pre with an all tube VAC. The exact model numbers are unknown to me as I was not interested in the electronics. We also tried the Capitole with the Integris 300B Active system, and found that it was not synergistic. The Integris CDP player is obviously a great match with the 300B Active system, and I in fact purchased this entire set up. I have found as every one else will tell you that synergy is the key to putting a great system together, but I did not want to experiment with thousands and thousands of $$$ to see what would work, nor do I have the time to be buying and selling equipment on the 'Gon. The Aurum system has synergy built in it and it is appreciated by those who do not wish to experiment with components and cables (or at least to a minor degree only). Derrick Moss has done this work for you. My retailer and myself figure it would cost 2 to 3 times to surpass the Aurum system's musicality.
The Capitole, btw is very synergistic with Rowland gear. I am going to use mine either for a second system or upgrade it to a Prestige SACD player to use with the Aurum.
I used a mix of solid state and tube equipment. The main system was composed of Edge power and pre amps, with the SF Strads as our main speaker. We did substitute the battery powered Edge pre with an all tube VAC. The exact model numbers are unknown to me as I was not interested in the electronics. We also tried the Capitole with the Integris 300B Active system, and found that it was not synergistic. The Integris CDP player is obviously a great match with the 300B Active system, and I in fact purchased this entire set up. I have found as every one else will tell you that synergy is the key to putting a great system together, but I did not want to experiment with thousands and thousands of $$$ to see what would work, nor do I have the time to be buying and selling equipment on the 'Gon. The Aurum system has synergy built in it and it is appreciated by those who do not wish to experiment with components and cables (or at least to a minor degree only). Derrick Moss has done this work for you. My retailer and myself figure it would cost 2 to 3 times to surpass the Aurum system's musicality.
The Capitole, btw is very synergistic with Rowland gear. I am going to use mine either for a second system or upgrade it to a Prestige SACD player to use with the Aurum.