replace Mcintosh with Luxman

I am about to sell my Mcintosh 611s and replace with 2 Luxman c900u.. I live in Alaska, outside of Anchorage, and there is no retail sales of mid to high end gear in this state.  No opportunity to listen to amps before I purchase unless I travel to lower 48.  Anybody have an opinion on going from Mcintosh to Luxman.

I went from Mac solid state (MA6900) to tube (C2300/MC275) and have been more than pleased ever since. For me it was more about finding the right complement of tubes between the two components.

Have never owned Luxman or Pass but understand they are excellent in many ways. Nice choice to have.
Check out the AGD Vivace or Gran Vivace- Had Mc and the Luxman before-- trust me-just demo a pair-- 
I second having a listen in the lower states or even in Canada at Audio Excellence. Great guys to deal with and will give you an honest opinion vs BS to make a sale. Have you thought about several of these amplifiers? I love the sound quality better than Luxman.

- McIntosh MC2301 Tube Monoblock amplifiers 
- Mark Levinson No536 Monoblock 
- the Coda was also mentioned 
- Dan D’Agostino Progression 
- Audio Research Reference 250SE or M160 Monoblock 
- Accuphase Monoblock
- Esoteric Monoblock 

Some of these are tube amplifiers but all can more than definitely handle the power you are looking for. All can handle 4ohm loads and the speaker you have really doesn’t need anything lower than that. The trade off for incredible sound is worth it with these choices especially before you drop 40K on amplifiers. All have a great resale value as well but I don’t think you will sell once you own any of these beauties.

just a thought and best of luck
My mc462 puts a smile on my face every time I listen. That is what we all look for.
 The Luxman M900U is on a little bit of a backorder. Popularity and the Pandemic has slowed down production.