Your favorite KT 150 based amplifier?

Help me decide for powering my Graham Audio LS5/5s.  Have an EAR 868 pre.  Considering CJ, ARC, Octave… but lots of others out there. What’s your favorite that you’ve heard?  
Thanks so far. @twoleftears thanks for providing my speaker specs.

I hadn't thought of Allnic, interesting product. I'm considering the older ARC gs150 instead of newer 160 just due to value, but I'd love to hear either. The octave also really appeals, but I don't need an integrated. 
Anybody else want to weigh in? There are more and more of these kt150 amps out there now. 
I have been a very happy original owner of an ARC 150 SE since 2017. Everything is is context, and pairing it with an ARC Ref 6 and using Cardas Clear Beyond XLR IC helps to get the best out of it. I have 1300 hours. Not a hiccup so far. This amp has "balls" and yet retrieves inner detail and creates a finely woven soundscape. I have never fallen asleep while listening no matter how fatigued. Back in my solid state days I used to routinely fall asleep while listening. No alcohol, no narcolepsy,  just a soporific sound character.