I am doing it to save people who are not as learned about these things from wasting their hard earned money on garbage.
I certainly want to thank you for your concern. As one of our wise members stated "What if I don’t want to be saved".
I’m sure you believe your advise is wise, my question is WHY?
I’ve yet to find a contact enhancer that didn’t work to one extent or another. Some cleaners won’t enhance the sound but after a dirty LPad, switch or pot is cleaned it is very noticeable.
Enhancer doesn’t always mean it enhances the sound. BUT it can and some of these concoctions really do.
Every journeyman mechanic on the planet know to use contact enhancers. The late 70s until current production all cars/semi/heavy equipment/stationary equipment ALL use contact enhancers and sealers on every loom connection.
Contact enhancers have been used sense the time of Thomas Alva Edison. THEY used graphite contact enhancers at the turn of the century, the LAST century..
Electrical Engineers know, at least their 16th Edition (2003) sure speaks of different "contact enhancers". One being graphene and reduction in Nano or Micro Arcing.. A serious issue with micro SMT and longevity vs air/space travel. Can’t climb out on a wing at 40,000 and fix STUFF, AY?
Maybe you should try to save them from their own publications..
You’ll be all the rage and rightly so..
I certainly want to thank you for your concern. As one of our wise members stated "What if I don’t want to be saved".
I’m sure you believe your advise is wise, my question is WHY?
I’ve yet to find a contact enhancer that didn’t work to one extent or another. Some cleaners won’t enhance the sound but after a dirty LPad, switch or pot is cleaned it is very noticeable.
Enhancer doesn’t always mean it enhances the sound. BUT it can and some of these concoctions really do.
Every journeyman mechanic on the planet know to use contact enhancers. The late 70s until current production all cars/semi/heavy equipment/stationary equipment ALL use contact enhancers and sealers on every loom connection.
Contact enhancers have been used sense the time of Thomas Alva Edison. THEY used graphite contact enhancers at the turn of the century, the LAST century..
Electrical Engineers know, at least their 16th Edition (2003) sure speaks of different "contact enhancers". One being graphene and reduction in Nano or Micro Arcing.. A serious issue with micro SMT and longevity vs air/space travel. Can’t climb out on a wing at 40,000 and fix STUFF, AY?
Maybe you should try to save them from their own publications..
You’ll be all the rage and rightly so..