Cardas Clear Beyond Interconnects ?

Any impression, review,etc. on these new cables?

I own two Clear Beyond Power cords for the Luxman 509u integrated amp and Accuphase DP700 SACD player, Clear Reflection XLR interconnects and a double run of old (but still good) Golden Reference speaker cables biwiring my B&W 803D’s, plus an old Golden Reference Power feeding the Goldnote Dumbo AC (the power filter dedicated to the digital source), while the Purepower 3000 feeding all system receives the dedicated power line (10 meters -I write from Italy- of 3x12AWG for hospital grade UPSs cable terminated with Oyaide C279) from the electric panel.

I am planning to replace the Reflection XLR with the new Beyond, and the G.R. Power for the AC filter with a Clear Power.

More extended, neutral and dynamic but still musical interconnects, and less bright/forward power cable should re-create the same balance, but a step "beyond" ;) .

I read from the Cardas website the new Beyond should be a musical cable with increased "slam" on low frequencies, instead of the too resolving, light character of the old Clear, still the Rev.1, I never liked; maybe Beyond is a more extended Reflection than an improved Clear, who knows?!
My God Stringreen ….give it a break. I think you actually troll for any Cardas post just to interject the same statement each and every time. You had noted in many posts in which you just bash Cardas that you haven't even listened to their newer Clear Line of cables. I do not like Ayre components, well made and with a strong following but I have always felt that they were a little thin sounding to me ears I never bough any Ayre equipment but I do not impose my thoughts on every post here about Ayre. Getting old my friend ...let it go.         
I saw your posts from back in 2017 on the Cardas Beyond Clear cables. Do you still have them in your system? If so how have they evolved once fully broken in?

Anyone else enjoying Ayre and Cardas Clear/Beyond combination?
AYRE does voice their gear with Cardas internal cabling(wire).

Happy Listening!
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