Anyone notice SVHS Audio best other Analog equipment including turntables, cassette decks.

I have a few JVC Super VHS decks manufactured from the late 1980’ to about 1994 in use around here. Using SVHS tapes only I fine that they produce better analog stereo sound than the best cassette and reel to reel decks I’ve experienced the past few decades. I feel that they are better (hi-fi/stereo) than high quality turntables too. There are many reasons besides the hi-fi analog stereo sound they produce. Because high end (SVHS tape, SVCR decks in particular) often last for decades without issues, no scratches, few if any dropouts, w/ rarely a need for any maintenance, for me, they make them the best analog choice. They produce a sound much better to my ear than our perfect performing Nakimichi ZX7 even when using the highest quality cassette tapes that we have had for decades. It remains in mint-operating condition. I use it to make & copy custom tapes for our car deck. S VHS is better equipment for hi-fi stereo, (a clean natural analog sound sounds best to the human ear). VHS VCRs are capable of producing an amazing 20-20,000 MHz w/ 0,005% wow and flutter w/few if any drop outs to have to listen to. Dead quiet is supreme. SVHS tapes are much better sounding than your basic VHS tape. I find that VHS tapes cost much less for a better-quitter tape compared to other analog technology. I tossed out all of my turntable equipment that we have had since the early 1970’s, out to the curb as it were, years ago due the SVHS technology best that technology w/much less expense and much less headaches to deal with too. Who knows what I am talking about. Does anyone else know where I am coming from? I must admit that my experiences come from the 1950’-1980 technology. (not having owed the most expense equipment of today), yet, having lived through the early 1950’s to date and into music since those early days of analog. That is my point here is does superior vintage (1980'90's) pure analog (super) SVHS have to continue to die quietly, a silent death?
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Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I think copying an LP or CD to any analog tape format is a waste of time!
I agree with Jason’s statement above

I love my turntable (that I have not gotten yet) and have thousands of records but the very best recordings I have are modern Hi Res Digital.

Digital is Digital, I don’t see any reason to copy digital to analog just for listening (when we can just listen to digital).

I see a reason to copy analog to analog when we want to make a mixtape or complilation of tunes on cassette or whatever (just to stay in analog domain).

A copy of analog to digital is nice for people who can’t listen to analog, especially today. If you want to make your music available just make a mix or compilation and upload it somewhere for the masses.

This digital vs analog argument is very much like the Tubes vs SS and some other arguments. It seems to be more emotional than factual.

This is not a question of this topic. Digital files will never replace my record collection, I want to have a wall of records in my room, especially when all my favorite music was recorded in analog era (70s), before digital was even invented.  
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