cellcbern OP55 posts05-07-2018 7:36pmHere is a paragraph excerpted from Laurence Borden's July 2014 review of the earlier Bache 001 for Dagago. I think it gets to the heart of the augmented widebander advantage:
"In a typical 3-way speaker, the crossover point between the midrange and tweeter is typically between 1 and 2 kHz, which is smack-dab in the region to which our ear is most sensitive. No matter how well designed a crossover might be, the tweeter and midrange drivers invariably differ in their dispersion characteristics, transient response, and distortion characteristics. Making matters worse, the crossover often introduces phase shifts. Although these differences are often not recognized per se (except in especially poor implementations), they become apparent when they are absent, as they are in a speaker based on a wideband driver. As implemented in the Bache Audio speakers, the Tangband covers the range from about 100 Hz to about 10,000, or almost seven octaves. Not surprisingly, they are superbly coherent. As a result, music has a wholeness — or oneness, if you prefer — that makes it seem more lifelike. One has a sense of being more relaxed while listening, a trait I find very desirable in a speaker. Not surprisingly, instruments that span many octaves — like the piano — are especially well served, yet all instruments benefit".
The info in this article correlates exactly how I am hearing the wide bander response in all forms of music,.
Simply magical.
When I had the Seas Thors over hauled with new tweets/new Mundorf crossovers,,, I was a bit disappointe,, So I ordereda few cheapo wide abndsers and started experiementing,, Thought I liked what i heard,, One day I placed a Thor on one channel, a wide bander on the other.
What a revelation,.
Immediaetly I yanked out the new $700 Millennium tweets, listed then on Ebay at 60% off, sold in 2 hours,
Took that cash and bought a superior wide bander,,
The rest is history..
My projects have been all
Wide Banders...
I am near completion.
A wood cone 8 DavidLouis arrives this week.
Gonna stack both the 6.5 paper mix DavidLouis with the 8 Wood Cone DavidLouis..
All I can say is
Mr Wilson look out.... there's a new kid on the block...and he aint playing...