VTL 300 Deluxe monoblocks

Could anyone recommend someone that could work on VTL 300 Deluxe? They are currently working. I power them up with a variac so the caps don’t blow. However, they should be updated with new caps, internal wiring, etc. I don’t feel competent to DIY this,
so am looking for a professional. BTW, VTL will no longer do work on them. I guess they want me to go buy one of their newer models.
@tomic601: I hadn't heard about Tom retiring. Glad I got the RM-9 Mk.2 he scrutinized for Sheila while I could! I assumed he wouldn't be coming along when she moves the Brooks Berdan operation up to Washington, sometime this year I believe.
Eric - that move was the tipping point. I think July was his last month. Ditto he is awesome and went thru my RM-9 last year. Wishing him the best in retirement.

to the OP Like Heavy said, Mike Samra is a exception also. Check to see IF wants to work on stuff that heavy. He went thru my MC240 and it sings. It’s a flyweight 50#
No specific schematic in the book. There are a few reviews by J. Gordon holt and TAS.
Wrong book the one I had was his first I believe. It was full of schematics, and no reviews for memory either

Cheers George
I would contact Ben Jacoby in Brooklyn NY. (718) 377- 8010. He specializes in tube amp repairs and I believe he's the authorized repair person for Audio Note tube gear. It's a bit of a hike from Philly but maybe you can ship to him.