Amp / Preamp match?

Would a Proceed Amp 2 power amp be a good match with an Adcom GFP-750 preamp? Speakers are Revel F30’s. I’d be using the passive stage of the GFP-750. 

Awesome—thanks everyone!  My plan is to put this system together. 

speakermaster:  my speakers are Revel F30’s.

Hey JS...regards to JC and CPE.  So this is an easy one.  It depends.  Are you looking for a good "sonic match?"  Say, I have some vintage harpsichords I can sell you.
In addition to the Proceed Amp 2, are there other amps that would better match the the sound characteristics of the Adcom 750 pre and Revel F30’s? After some additional browsing in my budget ($1,000-$1,200; max $1,500) some others I’m curious about are: Krell KST-100, Classe DR-9, Bryston 4B ST, McCormack DNA 0.5, 1, 125, etc. My musical tastes are mostly electronic and pop/rock. 
Update: I picked up the proceed amp 2.  Next is the adcom 750 pre. Or... would the matching proceed PRE be a better sonic mate?