I ove this speakers , on my set up they sound really very dynamic and easy to listen. Is there anyway to replace their tweeters to improve them? I do love the design of the impact.Thanks
to the OP, if you are running with David, you have an excellent audio friend…one not prone to hyperbole, self aggrandizement and ego. He strikes me as a true sojourner on the quest for better sound.

On clipping, you might be shocked that a simple hand clap on a Nora Jones cut can clip a 150 wpc amp w 87 db speakers. Hopefully you can get your speakers up and running again soon.
Carlsbad - you seem reasonable. Are you in SoCal ? in the fall, if Delta cooperates, i plan on a small listening get together in….. Carlsbad.
@arafiq exactly and perfectly said, yet the other now deleted thread reveals the owners attitude, state of mind and political bent. He himself feeds the polarizing fire.
To be honest, a lot of the negativity around Tekton has to do with the product itself. From top to bottom they are so much better dollar for dollar than anything else, which means almost everyone else is stuck listening to overpriced crap, and this chafes. Also the technology is advanced and different enough it is hard to understand. This makes some people even more frustrated. Basically, they have nowhere to go. Stuck in the past, unable even to reply coherently because they don't get what's going on, they are left with nothing but childish insults.

This all stems from a fundamental misunderstanding: audio is not a zero sum game. My speakers being good does not make yours bad. My $4k speakers sounding great does not negate enjoying your $30k. Don't put them side by side and you will be fine.

Just please lay off the name calling. Makes you sound a bit butt-hurt, you know?
... a lot of negativity around Tekton has little to do with the product itself ...more often than not the shills have a very condescending tone. I think the owner would do well to talk to the shills and ask them to calm down, instead of threatening members with legal action.
It was the legal threat where Tekton really blundered, imo. For all the braying and boasting Tekton's products get here, its owner turned vicious once questions and criticisms were raised.
Also, maybe cool down the ’better than $30K’ rhetoric? Everyone knows that’s simply not true. Why tarnish your reputation by making such outlandish claims?
Too late.