I have LS50's and placement challenges as well, and am a jazz fan familiar with the Vanguard album. Based on your post I played the first track and yes, I would say the sides are close to even level with with some edge given to Evans. I thought they were even at first, but then realized I had not shut off my subwoofer. With that off, edge to Evans, but still pronounced bass on the left channel.
I would say this about your configuration, if you are four inches from the wall, you should be using the full foam bass plugs supplied with the LS50's. With open ports that close the wall I expect you will get boomy bass, though I understand with the foam the overall bass is significantly decreased, it will be higher quality. Definitely don't use a sock, use the foam that came with them.
I built special stands for my LS50's to work around some fixed obstacles in my room and so I could get my speakers about 10" from the wall allowing me to use the half foam plugs. This greatly improved my bass response and clarity. I really wish I could get a couple feet and remove the plugs altogether.
If you are jazz fan with LS50's I cannot recommend strongly enough that you invest in a good subwoofer. I started with a Polk and now have a REL 7i, it blends perfectly and adds so much to the sound.
While I am at it, and starting an entirely different conversation, even though the Vanguard recording is considered one of the great performances, what is up with splitting the piano to one channel and bass/drums to the other? Makes for a disappointing soundstage.