hummm, just uploadeda vid,, delete post,, hummm, Not going to work out.
The VX8 does not offer enough highs.
Seems the best way to worka WBer is
a 5 or 6 inch + any bass,mid bass/woofer of your choice.
The WBer 8's offer bass, but highs are rolled off = not good.
Listen to this video,,
Whats going on here is doubling the midrange, and crushing out the highs.
IOW its all out of balance.
I have the TBW82145 arriving.
If it beats out the DLVX8, and the DL Yellow cone,, Then i will sell off the 2 DL's and keep the TBW82145
1 of the 3 will stay,
2 will be sold off.
The only way to work a WBer is
woofer of your choice.
+ Tweeter of your choice, and a 5 or 6 inch WBer.
At least this is my preliminary testing of the 8.
I have no idea the performance of the TBW82145.
I have serious doubts it has highs..
But as i say that guess might be off the mark as the TBW82145 boasts a new aluminum type phase plug which increases the high fq's.
we will see..or better listen...
1 of the 3 stay.
If I keep the DLVX8 , i will needa 2nd tweeter, maybe/maybe not,,maybe dual Kasun 3.5 paper double magnet 91 db tweets??? Possible.
Or the Seas T35. Possible.
As I say, this video shows its wayyy too midrange heavy and crushes out the highs from the DL Yellow cone 6 + Kasun paper tweet.
Dual WBers will not work.
The VX8 does not offer enough highs.
Seems the best way to worka WBer is
a 5 or 6 inch + any bass,mid bass/woofer of your choice.
The WBer 8's offer bass, but highs are rolled off = not good.
Listen to this video,,
Whats going on here is doubling the midrange, and crushing out the highs.
IOW its all out of balance.
I have the TBW82145 arriving.
If it beats out the DLVX8, and the DL Yellow cone,, Then i will sell off the 2 DL's and keep the TBW82145
1 of the 3 will stay,
2 will be sold off.
The only way to work a WBer is
woofer of your choice.
+ Tweeter of your choice, and a 5 or 6 inch WBer.
At least this is my preliminary testing of the 8.
I have no idea the performance of the TBW82145.
I have serious doubts it has highs..
But as i say that guess might be off the mark as the TBW82145 boasts a new aluminum type phase plug which increases the high fq's.
we will see..or better listen...
1 of the 3 stay.
If I keep the DLVX8 , i will needa 2nd tweeter, maybe/maybe not,,maybe dual Kasun 3.5 paper double magnet 91 db tweets??? Possible.
Or the Seas T35. Possible.
As I say, this video shows its wayyy too midrange heavy and crushes out the highs from the DL Yellow cone 6 + Kasun paper tweet.
Dual WBers will not work.