I ove this speakers , on my set up they sound really very dynamic and easy to listen. Is there anyway to replace their tweeters to improve them? I do love the design of the impact.Thanks
I have to believe the best upgrade would be of the crossover to higher quality components. I've experienced that making a significant difference in performance. #2 would be a cabinet upgrade. Not because there is a problem with what tekton does because there isn't. But there is generally room for improvement on any mfg cabinet. But you also need to be careful there. The cabinet design and sound absorption configuration can actually degrade the sound if not done correctly. I've considered Erics offer to me to do a Be upgrade to my Ulfs and shied away from it because I like the sound of the soft domes. Sometimes you can go one bridge too far. But I have reworked a set of Lores with new cabinets I constructed and component upgrades. They sound very, very good. So I've actually taken this path.
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This is only my opinion but those things are the biggest crap going they look cheap they use cheap drivers and that's why they're cheap and if you think those speakers could go up against speakers three or four times the price you better get your ears checked.
Rix yes Iam very good sport, I made a lot good friend in this site, I try to understand everyone opinions and personality here, Most of them I will meet them at Axpona.You will be surprise how nice they are in person.I also agree with your assessment on what might happen on my 6 tweeters, Please keep on posting.