Tang Band 8 vs DavidLouis VX8

TB has this **pill** neo dymium magnet system,, like the VoxAC1A.. I was not impressed. 
Whereas the DLVX8 has a solid 1 pice Nd magnet system. 
I just asked the DL seller, he confirmed my guess, the TB is not up to same level of quality as his DL VX8.
I just wrote and asked him if the VX8 is in fact Nd.
His listing for the VX6 says **Nd*,,so its my guess since both magnets look  the same build, I'm guessing its Nd.

+ big bonus, the DL comes it at  just under $500, TB is $640. 
The DL just looks superior build. 
Arrives next week, late due to GHL's ship is behind.



Listening  to the vid right now  with  my $10 comp speakers,, Yes exactly what you are hearing is exactly how they sound in real time. 
Super High Fidelity.
It is not a myth, nor a  fleeting phantasy.
It exists, Its for real. 
The chinese audiophile is already *Full*lly aware of what these Wide bands are capable of.
For all sorts of reasons,, the USA audiophile just doesn;'t *get IT*
Sorry there is no speaker that will compete with the midrange in this DLVX8.
2nd to none. 

AS in every speaker designs. 
Box xovers
and any other design you can think of,

There are the few good ones, the rest,,well, not fidelity.
Same deal in WB's. 
There are a  very few good ones, the rest are good only to OK only. 
From my experience of the budget lines, 
This DavidLouis VX8 is best bang for the buck.
Its the one to own. 
The chinese audiophile is more up on these new 21st C speaker designs.
My dealer says , in china, everyone owns Wide Bands, 
They dont mess around with these box speakers. Which amerucan audiophiles  are so so attached to.
For me its a no brainer, wide band, at least the best, offer so much more than any box design. 
Diana Krall, her voice never sounded so sensual and studio LIVE imagery. 
Yet another 
DLVX8 upload for ya.
Have you ever in your life, seen any speaker as hyped as I am doing with the DLVX8??
WEll have you?

one is 29 high, the other 30 height,,  meaused once, cut 3 x's.. it was uneven,,so i cut to starighten,, 2 x;'s. anyway, dont tell any one.
10 deep x 10 wide. 
wood is froma  old clothes cabinet, Tennessee cedar.
Beautiful wood.
thin attic insulation inside along back wall, ported front,. niceeeeeee

Diana Krall's voice just ooozzeesss sensuality.

What you are hearing on your comp speakers,, is exactly what you'll get in your listening room. 
Its all there folks, 


Tang band W82145 
just arrived, tested ina temp 12 x12 x12 cheapo DIY cabinet 
WOWWW. Guess you folks want a  decision in the shootout
vs TBW82145

Even draw,
Yeah i  know you guys want to see blood, a  gun slinger on the group , all shot up,, can't. 
Both shot their  competitor's hat off his head. 
So I;'m buying drinks at the OK Saloon, Call it a day.
2  world class super high fidelity speakers.
You ask, which one will go??
More than  likely both will stay put. 
In fact both will remain as part of this Wide bander experiement.
If you dont like my speakers,, well then

Buy ya a  pair of Wilson's,
 NEW Zu Soul 6 starts at 6G's. 
Plenty of options.........
