Bad recordings and high end audio

Hello. Have decided that the kids are out of the house and I can dedicate some space and money to my long ignored hobby. What is different now is there are so few audio stores. I firmly believe in listening to products so thus I start this great new chapter of my life. The first 2 stores I went to the people were very patient with me and I listened to a ton of combinations. They asked me did I want to hear anything else and I said  yes, ummm,.. how about Led Zeppelin? I received the same response from both stores which was “all Led Zeppelin recordings are horrible” except for this one version of Led Zeppelin 2…blah blah. So I said what happens if I am at home and i have a desire to play Led Zeppelin or another perceived poor recording? They did not have an answer for me nor did they play Led Zeppelin lol . I ended up ordering a pair of Magnepan 3.7i’s from a different store. 13 weeks until I get them, ouch. I am going to guess that people do listen to poor recordings on great systems because you just want to hear a particular album, right? Or am I missing something? Just looking for a bit of insight. Yes, I know they want it to sound the best so I will buy it but is that the only motivation. Or maybe they hate Led Zeppelin, lol.
@tomic601 i will be using a turntable and streaming. I do have an older NAD cd player and many CDs but I really dont listen to them much and do not believe that will change. 
Putting Paragon in the mix and well given that you need (3) inputs, you might want to consider a high power Integrated, looks like Paragon carries Mac and Audio Research. ARC isnt the best fit in your budget, speaker choice , local dealer. With the right Mac you might get a built in DAC. man does paragon ask a ton of coin for used ARC preamps….

You imo need audiophile inputs from the Michigan and surrounding states input.

IF it were me, hold pat on maggie order but visit Chicago, and a few other places….
When I was 16 yrs old  I heard a pair of  Magnepans  and had etched in my mind a feeling of crystal clear detail with sound stage.   Led Zep II on vinyl  made a profound impact on me.   

After years  (50+) of working (saving)  and enjoying various systems. I went out and attempted to recreate the feeling from my youth.  I purchased the 1.7s,  a NAD M2 and a used Scoutmaster by VPI with a cartridge that cost more than my early systems.   As  a result   I have had thousand of hours of listening pleasure.  I dislike:  all the LZ remasters repressings    The original vinyl still does it for me.  

Now I take Tidal and run into my Sony A8F out a fiber optic cable into the NAD M2  and out to the 1.7s and PSB subwoofers.   To me this is heaven.   Stunningly beautiful video and kickass tunes.  When I am not fishing I am glued to Sony flagship OLED  and NAD masterpiece.  Sure there is better.  But I am more than happy with my little system.