New silversmith fidelium cable

You need to try the speaker cable. It is a complete game changer in the audio industry. Probably the biggest improvement ever in sound quality and realism. These will impress audiophiles all over the world. 
I haven't heard the F1, but I admire their build. However, the Silversmith Fideliums are the best upgrade I've made (except perhaps for moving up to a LTA zotl amp). Yes, they seemed more reserved in the mids and bass when I first put them in: all it took was notching up the volume and I realized I was hearing a much better, balanced, natural, and -- to borrow a term from this discussion, more articulate overall sound. What the Fideliums do best is the leading edge and upper end detail; for the rest of the spectrum they are natural and precise--bass is tighter, mid-range warmer. PS: I purchased the 10 foot pair and soldered them directly to my full-range drivers, so there is nothing but Fideliums between the amp and driver. Simply a huge jump up in quality of sound for me.
Yup... The very best speaker connection is No speaker connection

“PS: I purchased the 10 foot pair and soldered them directly to my full-range drivers, so there is nothing but Fideliums between the amp and driver. ”
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Without a doubt the Fidelium may sound more reserved at first listen. I was coming from Audience Au24 SX ( 3 times the price) and Cerious Technologies Matrix.
My Personas are very revealing in the upper midrange and treble. Perfect cable for my system. Took them over to my buds with Martin Logan/Krell and another with Salon/Jeff Rowland’s monos and they sounded great. If you like a very energetic/lively cable this may not be the one.