Moving Overseas Next Week - Converting to 230V / 50 Hz from 115v / 60 Hz

I’m moving to Israel on Tuesday and planning to bring all of my gear with me in a few months, including my vinyl, cassette, and cd collections and bringing the following gear:

Meridian 551 integrated amp
Meridian 504 tuner (220 V unit)
Linn Majik I
Ariston RD80SL
Schiit Mani
Nakamichi DR2
Bluesound Node 2i
Monitor Audio R700MD
ProAc Super Tablettes

With the Ariston & Nakamichi, both are dual voltage and dual frequency units, the Ariston tells how to convert it on the back label, the Nakamichi has a slider on the back for 230V. So when you set them both for 230V and plug them in in Israel, will it automatically play at 50 Hz? Or is there something else needed?

With the Linn, there is a dial on the bottom that I set to 230V, I believe I just need to get the correct fuse and I already purchased a new Europlug for it. Anything else needed?

With the Meridian 551, I think I may need to send it to Meridian to do the voltage conversion as there is no external switch like the Linn. I looked at the unit, and not even sure how it comes apart and don’t want to try it either. It’s in 9/10 shape, with orig box & manual.

The Bluesound & Schiit Mani, I already got new cords and new Europlug wall warts.
I wish I fully looked into all of this months ago. The laser on my Cambridge Audio Azur 840C just went kaput so I just sold it & figured I’d get another one overseas along with a DAC for the Node.

Please advise on the Nakamichi, Ariston, Linn and Meridian 551. Thank you so much !
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This is my first experience with a SU/SDT and it ran very warm and hummed in the US.  It’s 500 watts.  I’ll get it in a couple of months, wonder if it will run warm & hum here in Israel?