Townshend Springs under Speakers

I was very interested, especially with all the talk.   I brought the subject up on the Vandersteen forum site, and Richard Vandersteen himself weighed in.   As with everything, nothing is perfect in all circumstances.  If the floor is wobbly, springs can work, if the speaker is on solid ground, 3 spikes is preferred.
Respectfully, from what I understand about how they work, I can't see why they would be more or less effective on those two different types of floor. I wonder if you or others hear could weigh in with details about why this might be so.
Thanks, John 
Because allowing the cabinet to move, especially in a low cabinet resonance, pistonic motion, time and phase design smears the signal. On a moving floor this smearing is already happening. RV actually tested the subject product and wrote about the plus / minus achieved by him with his speakers, including measurements and listening. 

As i recall the OP here has 5a.

As always, other speakers or floor combinations may benefit.
Also both the Kento and new 7 extreme use a force cancellation alignment of the unique to Vandersteen Scanspeak bass drivers, reducing already low cabinet movement. 


Since 1977