From one of the Sounstage articles on CES2012.....
"The point here is that these new ultra-powerful magnets have allowed Magico to design and build drivers so efficient that the overall sensitivity of the Q7 is rated at 94dB, which is quite high for a sealed-box design."
Now, see, I really respect a lot of what Magico does. But this quote just frustrates me. What's left to respect about the writer when you look deeper into the truth?!
Magico obviously uses the 1W method of measuring their SPL for marketing reasons. (See Stereophile measurements of Q5 as a reference.) This means that their ACTUAL sensitivity is more like 91dB. This is still on the higher side of average. And still much higher than the Q5. But it just proves that the writer isn't remotely experienced enough to be making the claims he does.
For the record. It was almost 20 years ago (Long before Neodymium was being used) that Dunlavy was getting true 91dB sensitivity from cheap, off the shelf drivers, that used plain old and typical magnet materials. It was also a sealed box design.
Note: I'm not endorsing Dunlavy here. Just using them as an example in making a point.
This kind of BS just makes me roll my eyes and wonder why I even bother with "high end" stuff.
"The point here is that these new ultra-powerful magnets have allowed Magico to design and build drivers so efficient that the overall sensitivity of the Q7 is rated at 94dB, which is quite high for a sealed-box design."
Now, see, I really respect a lot of what Magico does. But this quote just frustrates me. What's left to respect about the writer when you look deeper into the truth?!
Magico obviously uses the 1W method of measuring their SPL for marketing reasons. (See Stereophile measurements of Q5 as a reference.) This means that their ACTUAL sensitivity is more like 91dB. This is still on the higher side of average. And still much higher than the Q5. But it just proves that the writer isn't remotely experienced enough to be making the claims he does.
For the record. It was almost 20 years ago (Long before Neodymium was being used) that Dunlavy was getting true 91dB sensitivity from cheap, off the shelf drivers, that used plain old and typical magnet materials. It was also a sealed box design.
Note: I'm not endorsing Dunlavy here. Just using them as an example in making a point.
This kind of BS just makes me roll my eyes and wonder why I even bother with "high end" stuff.