Best modern 6550 tube for ARC per-amp

There are a lot of modern 6550 tube in the market such as Reissue Tung-Sol 6550,  GE-6550A (Green letter), Svetlana 6550, Russia Gold Lion 6550/KT88........etc.  What is the best modern 6550 tube for ARC per-amp in your opinion?  (PS: GE 6550A is not newly made but still a lot in the market).

I used to own a NOS black plate 3 holes Tung-Sol 6550 but which has leak and now I’m using the stock Svetlana 6550. I want to buy a nice sound 6550 for my ARC Ref 6 and my stock Svetlana 6550 will be used as spare. Will not consider NOS black -plate Tung-Sol again because of pricy and not sure the condition.

In any single-ended product the quality of the regulator is certainly quite audible! And while the signal does not go through it, the regulator has to have good linearity just like any power amplifier- and that is exactly what it is. So you want to use a good tube. JJ makes a blue glass variety that is quite nice and not crazy money, also reliable.
good input ralph

the ref 6 is a true balanced model though... but probably what you say still applies...

question -- would a 6550 that sounds good in an audio amplification role be necessarily a ’good sounding’ one when asked to do voltage regulation, or are certain other characteristics of the tube more important when acting as a regulator?
I find in interesting how so many can so passionately claim there is no way a voltage regulator tube in the PS can play a part in SQ.  Well I was a skeptic until yesterday.  I recently got an ARC REF 5SE and wasn't as impressed as I expected moving from the LS27.  My 6550 had about 1800 hours and I swapped a new EH 6550 and was blown away.  I took the time to swap the old one back and then to the new one again and there was no question.  Everything opened up with such better detail.  All the instruments and voices popped and were so precise.  I had read in some thread here a while ago how important these 6550s are in ARC preamps.  I am going to stock up on the Sovtek as that is what ARC ships their units with so that's good enough for me.  
i have….let me look ( press the button ) 5,188 hours, blissful hours on my Ref 5se. In this preamp, this circuit this tube matters. As do tracking the hours on it. ARC recommissioned 2k hours on that tube. I have about that on a NOS New Jersey Tung Sol from the 60’s. It transformed the bass and mid bass in my system even vs a new direct from ARC tube. Andy at Vintage Tube Services. i trust him. 
There have been man anecdotal posts over the years regarding tube rolling in ARC Preamp’s, and the 6550 in their power supply definitely changes the sound....and I can “parrot“....ah I mean 
confirm, (😊) , this in my observation as well in my REF 6 SE......