Wow Jwm, you are so lucky. I (and I am sure all Magico fans) have never heard live music before.
I bet you never heard the Q3/5 with a Nagra 845 or, even better (Looks like) an Ongaku?? Try putting a big SS amp on your speakers, see how much you like them. You are showing a "quite nice" room response with a FR 30db down at 10K?!! With these kind of preferences, you should refer making any judgments on anything you have not heard in your own room.
I bet you never heard the Q3/5 with a Nagra 845 or, even better (Looks like) an Ongaku?? Try putting a big SS amp on your speakers, see how much you like them. You are showing a "quite nice" room response with a FR 30db down at 10K?!! With these kind of preferences, you should refer making any judgments on anything you have not heard in your own room.