Lyngdorf MD-60 vs Audio Control Maestro X9

Does Anyone have experience/knowledge on the two channel playback capabilites of the Lyngdorf MD-60 and Audio Control Maestro X9? I plan on the purchase of one of the aforementioned within the next 2 months.  I am aware of the ESS DAC chipsets of the Audio Control which is a buying point for me and the Lyngdorf's video capabilities with HDMI 2.1.  I plan to utilize the preamp processor for three functions 2 channel playback (stereo listening), home theater and PC gaming in excess of 60 fps at 4K. The way I am looking at it is if there is no audible differences between the Audio Control and the Lyngdorf I would lean in the direction of the Lyngdorf because of the HDMI 2.1 capabilities.  All advice/suggestions are welcome.
When mine arrives and I set it up, I’ll let you know. It should be a month+ For it to arrive. A month or two to set it up… (If I get the XLRs connectors and wires ordered soon)… and then a month to understand it.

So I might have something to contribute within your six months. 
Is the one you ordered HDM 2.1? Why did you choose Lyngdorf ?

They emailed me that they may have an upgrade to 2.1.

Mostly I got it because:
  • It looks good (WAF stuff… but I did not even consider to ask her if I should)
  • It does room correction
  • I had no the idea what to get as this is my first foray into HT
  • I need to mate a TV with bad sound with an existing 2.1
  • I am hoping that using a good center channel will allow me sneak my speakers into the room so that the low WAF factor of the L/R speakers, can be offset by hearing the dialogue with the matching center channel. 

But mostly I just liked the look of it, and I found a used one that saved me a bit coin.
As I am putting together a beginner system around a new LG 65” OLED, it seemed like it should be enough. (we just usually stream Netflix or similar and a small Intel NUC is the player… Not a big BlueRay machine.)

So I am no expert, and I just am hoping that it may also stream the music and possibly be OK as a preamp. But if not then I’ll run into the preamp so regular music is 2.1 and 5.2.x is using the L/R of the existing 2.1 stereo.

The fact the Mrs did not like the screatchy sound of a few sound bars that we heard gives me hope for my plan.
Last month she said, “we are getting a new TV”, and selected a 55”. I said, “don’t waste our time, just get a 65” or it will be thrown out (or become too small) in a year or two.”
And then said she didn’t want to pay that much for a TV… anyhow my CC seemed to do the trick and it seems like a good size. Just the dialogue sound is < “not too great”.

I certainly have no evidence that shows I know what I am doing with HT, nor with anything bigger than 2.1 … so this is all truely opinion stuff, and little in the way of provable facts. Basically I just like the looks of it more than a Sonos bar..
I think in order to convert to HDMI 2.1 from HDMI 2b you will have to ship the processor to them.  Thats what I read not sure where.