Lampizator Pacific is their top offering now. I've owned it for the last 1½ years and it is quite competitive with vinyl in my system, with an appropriate sense of liquidity and coherence, while dishing up a lot of musical information. It really feels like you are at the event. I really hardly spin LP's now, because the digital avenue is so good and easy, too.
I just bought a used original Denafrips Terminator for a second system, and I have to say, it is quite good for the money. I absolutely could live with it long term. Yes, the Pacific bests it, but there ain't no "wiping of the floor" going on. You get more harmonic completeness and a slightly more coherent sense of space and performance, which is a bit more satisfying musically, but the Terminator is no slouch in these areas, either.
Important to note, my impressions of both DAC's are based upon them being fed by the outstanding Taiko Audio Extreme server. This device has me believing that the server could be more important than the DAC for ultimate sound quality.