There are lots of opinions on stylus profiles in relation to playing
mono LPs. One side of that issue is addressed pretty well on the
Miyajima website, but it is a bit one-sided.
@lewm When I saw your comment about the issue of mono carts being "addressed pretty well" on the Miyajima website I thought that they must have finally spent a few yen and found an English speaking technical editor. Sad to say there is still the original incoherent blather such as:
"There are a lot of monaural LPs to excellent records such as classical music, jazz, a lock.
When I look for the LP of the excellent performance, monaural recording knows a thing more than the half.
And I want to come to listen to a monaural LP by a good sound.
There are people purchasing a monaural cartridge easily.
And there are people playing a monaural LP with an existing monaural cartridge and stereo cartridge.
The people feel a monaural LP like an old sound by the influence of the cartridge.
And an image is left as an old LP.
In fact, the monaural LP has better sound than the stereo LP.
The reason is simple.
It is natural that a sound is better than the stereo LP to
put two signals in as for the monaural LP which installs one signal in
one ditch."
For a company that sells the vast majority of its cartridges to the western world to be unwilling to provide information about their offerings in a understandable form is, IMO, inexcusable. Tokyo is full of people who could correct this for less than the price of a mid range cartridge so it not a matter of ability or expense.
I know that some people find it amusing but to me it borders on contempt that they make so little effort to communicate in a meaningful way with their potential customers.
And don't get me started on their tacky little red velvet boxes!