Magico Q7 . . . wow

In the world's best audio system
"Like better" is also in the ears of the audiophile. I personally like/love my Apogees, but they do not have the bottm end slam of a good cone speaker, let alone the Magico's.

Would I replace them with Magico's? Not unless someone was offering me a direct 1 to 1 trade with no money out of my pocket.


You are happy with your system and do not feel like going out and dropping an "extra" $100k that you don't have anyway for (maybe) a little better sound.
Thanks Audiofreak. Those are interesting choices. Have you heard the Q1? I'm just curious.
Nobody pays list price Dude!!I love to buy stuff and sell it for 50% off.Audiofreak i would love to hear your system it must be the best on the planet.(HO! HO!)