Magico Q7 . . . wow

In the world's best audio system
have a peek, not a Peak, at this:
Just tweeted
Looks like another S model. These guys are on their way to having two complete lines of speakers. Looks like their is some trickle down effect.
I think this is going to be a smaller S series speakers that will replace V2 if I am not mistaken... S3 or S2, I guess.
Front baffle also looks curved and colored. If so, it would be much nicer than the rather conventional looking baffle/driver front of the S5. I think Suteetat may be right that it is a smaller S class two/three way to replace the last wood Magico V2 speaker.
Listened to the Q7 two days ago.
To my ears, without a doubt, the finest dynamic speakers I have ever listened to. Despite the sheer brute force they are capable of delivering, they are also the most refined speakers I have come across. Simply SOTA.