Townshend Springs under Speakers

I was very interested, especially with all the talk.   I brought the subject up on the Vandersteen forum site, and Richard Vandersteen himself weighed in.   As with everything, nothing is perfect in all circumstances.  If the floor is wobbly, springs can work, if the speaker is on solid ground, 3 spikes is preferred.

Hello, grannyring,

You are one of a few here on this forum who experienced listening in our Energy Room, so your opinions are always appreciated.

I remember, some five years back when you sold the platforms and moved from the great north to the southern side of the country, I thought we might have lost another good one to life’s changes as it was tough enough when we lost The Audiophile’s Wife. Glad to see you never really left.

Since your system went through many changes and you are now listening in a different environment, would you be willing to take a second listen now that your new system is in place?

However due to the virus coupled with the raw material markets going ‘nuts’, we are experiencing backorders on some model numbers. Foundries are working round the clock to fill their orders, but the demand is outweighing everyone’s capability to deliver timely. We would be willing to offer up some inventory for a listen as we are beginning to close in on a full recovery.

You can EM me and we will make those arrangements.



It is more than just inert cabinet…i will chose my words carefully, time and phase correct drivers with same filters, inert cabinet that converts vibration to heat, pistonic drivers. Think thru what a spring does to a system like that. IF your ear/brain not sensitive to some of the above, spring away !

So no doubt, many speakers will benefit from a variety of schemes, Townsend hardly has a monopoly….

@roxy54 You are one of the few here who can measure RT60, try harder on the previous posters well thought out possible test method.

Finally, Apogee Stages on Sound Anchors….

Was not meant in a negative way and apologize in advance for any misconceptions with regard to his personal goals and/or personal ethics in life.

Rumors exist in every business model and from a manufacturer’s perspective, the Audio Industry is an extremely small world where scuttlebutt travels like wildfire and the unimaginable does exist and takes place all the time. No big deal - OK?

I have personally been insulted by the man many times and could have a few of his posts removed but what does that make me? I take good with bad and take no offense to other’s opinions. Been on this forum since 2000, so there is not a lot I have not seen or names been called. As long as someone benefits and learns more about their system and music - that is the importance that drives discovery.

If Miller has the opportunity to work in the Audio Industry, he has obviously earned it through personal effort and passion and we would cheerfully welcome him aboard in any capacity.

Best regards,


Its true. ;) There is ringing. Also no matter what happens the haters will see it only in the worst possible light. Definitely.