That’s easily explained by Voodoo Science.
Well let’s pretend that people actually DO hear a REAL difference.
Then what is the causal mechanism that is happening?
One would think that they could put a scope (or A2D) on the power coming out the end of that cord… and then actually see some things that are other than 60 Hz (or 50Hz) being removed.
If I was able to see some high frequency noise on the bad cords, that was removed on the good cords, then it would be easier to imagine that that is a reason to believe in using a fancy power cable being worth having.
But when I have to really on my ears alone, then it might be more cost effective for me to just go to a hypnotist… and then I could end up at the same level of happiness for a lot less $.
(I still would not have nice looking cables, but then I would also not care.)
If the manufactures are doing something good, then what is it?There most be some science driving their effort.
Without some proof of it, then I am left to conclude that it must be voodoo or magic.
Obviously I fall into the data group. That is not bad, it is just how it is.