Speakers for triode tube amps

I have a Luxman CL 38u SE tube preamp and matching MQ 88 SE Triode tube amp rated at 25 wpc. I m using ProAc Anniversary Tablets at the moment and I’m wondering how I can upgrade to a speaker that can be driven with 25 Triode watts. Any recommendations on a high quality 8 ohm speaker that is easy to drive?  I know Wilson Tune Tots are out of the question (impedance/ sensitivity issues- they were my first choice.  Not interested in horn loaded speakers.  I Love the Harbeth P3 but I already own a pair of 40.1s in my main system. Any suggestions??
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I have a pair of P3esrXDs running from my Octave V70SE and very much enjoy them. I’ve also hooked them up to my PrimaLuna EVO 400 integrated and love the warm sound they produce when the 400 is in triode. I am aware that some don’t like the sound of Harbeths with tube amplifiers, but if you do, I’d say you will probably like the P3s. 
The Teton as good as sand bathing suit chaffing my sack after day at seashore 🦀 
The budget is 10k, and they cannot be floorstanders.
@samuelg Well that limits things. At this point my recommendation would be a monitor sized speaker like the ZU Omen Bookshelf, and get yourself a set of Swarm subs to handle the bass. This will keep in in budget and yet you'll have full bandwidth. The Swarms are easy to integrate into the rest of the system and can prevent standing waves from messing with the room so you get proper bass at the listening chair. The Omens are easy to drive with most triode amps (we have a lot of customers with ZU products) and the size will work. The only bugaboo is ZU is sold out of them, but that could easily change soon.