Townshend Springs under Speakers

I was very interested, especially with all the talk.   I brought the subject up on the Vandersteen forum site, and Richard Vandersteen himself weighed in.   As with everything, nothing is perfect in all circumstances.  If the floor is wobbly, springs can work, if the speaker is on solid ground, 3 spikes is preferred.
Also odd non Vandersteen owners take issue with his listening and measurements…of springs… all are free to listen and decide for themselves…
If you're refering to me, for the record I have no issue with Vandersteen's listening or measurements.
I haven't seen the measurements, nor would I dispute a person's personal preference. 
Again I have "no idea" why spring isolation would be less effective with Vandersteen speakers. Others have postulated reasons.
thanks for sharing your system on your system page. Where'd you get those skyline diffusers on your ceiling please?
@rixthetrick They are Vicoustic DC2 diffusers.
Many hfi shops and outlets stock them.
The ceiling mounted diffusers made a surprising improvement. Not exactly great aesthetically, but luckily my wife lets me (mostly) do as I please with that room.

@tobes not aimed at you at all.
Ok, I thought my post may have been misinterpreted so just wanted to clarify.