Shouldn't you listen to this evaluation board before encouraging people to buy it? There is a chance it might not live up to your expectations. The board design might be intended more as a demonstration of power efficiency rather than sound quality.@mspot There is a reveiw of this evaluation board on from last June:
Amirm (the guy testing it) concluded:
MOSFET transistors have revolutionized computing and switching power designs. It is nice to see a new type become available after decades of refinement of MOSFET. GaN transistors offered by GaN systems show a path to cooler running, more efficient and better performing amplifiers and power supplies. The eval unit unfortunately doesn't show the improved performance due to different target for it. So best to look at commercial implementations that shoot for state of the art implementations.On August 25th George brought the thread back to life when he tried tried to get Amirm to add more feedback to the amp, so as to possibly change his conclusion. This is seen on page 7 of that same thread linked above:
There were two prior threads to this one, both of which George started and later deleted, mostly on account of that conclusion of Amirm's. IMO you do want to pay attention; also note that this evaluation kit does not provide any heatsinking means, so its power supply is current limited to prevent damage to the output devices if driven to full power into 4 ohms. It should be 400 watts, but is current limited to 114 watts to prevent overheating. Output devices in a switching amplifier can go into thermal runaway because as they get hotter, their On resistance increases, which causes them to run hotter. So lack of a heatsink is a serious issue for an audiophile. Its not if your intent is simply to evaluate the devices, and for that purpose this kit works really well.