Harbeth 40.3xd vs Graham LS5/5

Has anybody heard both the Harbeth 40.3 and the Graham LS5/5
i think the 40.3 has a more pronounced mid range - but i would live to hear thoughts if someone has heard both these speakers.
the reality is, all these are tip top speakers in the bbc heritage, produced by two of illustrious current producers

thus in a good setup, with proper accompanying componentry, good room, any and all will sound brilliant (save the mon 30, which will still need low bass support from sub(s))

op has asked a hard question - which is how two such competing 20k+ speakers sound different each other - and we all know there is only one way to really know... (even competing displays in different rooms in a high end show wouldn’t answer that question properly)
Sorry i dint mean to ask a hard question - it was a real desire to know the diff :) i find there is little in terms of comparisons between thr top end BBC (ish) type speakers. So its the usual questions for around $22k Which one is the better buy? How do they compare? Etc etc. its becoming increasingly hard to hear these speakers back to back so the only option is to ask, and then try to set up a comparison for one self.
For $20k Grahams aren’t ubiquitously reviewed....specially the 5/5’s. 
Hence the hard q :)
I recently dropped some money on a nice lampizator dac, absolare integrated amp, and some good cables, having first spent big money on the LS5/5s earlier this year. The LS5/5s are like a giant clear window into the rest of the system. You’ll enjoy them with merely very good gear like I did for a while, but they are almost overwhelmingly invisible and real with a clean very powerful signal in a good room. Truly full-range and very ‘alive’ without fatigue. No second guessing.

hard questions are absolutely allowed, and welcome... though convenient and good answers may be hard to come by

the following review may help a bit... as i mentioned earlier, the modern iteration of the spendor sp100 is the closest analog to the ls5/5 by graham, minus the vertical face slots... (i currently have the prior gen sp100 r2 and i had the mon 40.1 in the past, i would say this review is reasonably on target)


I listened to the Spendor Classic 100 in an excellent dealer's system (in the UK) and know the 40.2's well.  This is not a direct orange-to-orange comparison, because the 40.2's were followed by the Anniversary and now the 40.3XD.  I found the Spendor's slightly more muscular and vigorous, but would have been more than happy to own them.  Same afternoon compared with Spendor D series and for me the Classic's were head and shoulders better.  Like I said, no experience of Graham, more's the pity.