No response from seller

Why do so many sellers don’t have the courtesy to answer simple question. I’ve been wanting to buy a passive preamp from a seller in Ca. Sent 3 emails, one a week and not one reply. It’s easy to check he’s been on audiogon as of yesterday. He has positive feedback, not many.
if you decided not to sell cancel the damn add.
still looking but rest assured if he ever reply’s he’ll get the same treatment from me.
im to old to play these childish games
thanks for hearing me out
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Somebody pendantically asked why I'm on here?  Well first, I'm an American and am allowed to view what I please.  I also like this thread as it exposes the narcissism that many seller and people have around this hobby.  They cling to it because they failed to excel in their professional pursuits.  I also like to debate with smart people and understand others point of view because it helps lift the community with honest articulate feedback and knowledge.  Question is Stereo5 why are you on here to discourage free thought and contributions or because your one of the ornary ones that unhappy and lives to call out others with unproductive comments.
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