My Experience With Tekton

I know this is a polarizing discussion point and was thus hesitant to share unless I could keep it objective, helpful, and concise

I have no intention to be inflammatory, sway anyone’s current opinion or beliefs

I merely want to share information in two specific areas, my results of product performance and my experience with the manufacturer


Background and reference point

I replaced a pair of Revel F36. The F36 is the upper end of Revel’s lowest tier floorstanding speakers and retails for $2,000 MSRP per pair

Took approx. 45 mins to unbox, level and connect

Like for like drop-in replacement, same location on the floor as the F36s, the listening position did not change, identical electronics and cables

We’ve all got our preferences, biases, different levels of experience, etc; but share the common limitation that we just don’t know what we don’t know

I’ve not heard a pair of 30K speakers but expect to someday and envy those that own them

In my VERY limited understanding, it’s near impossible to pinpoint how any specific system change will behave and perform across the board, contingent on the variances in electronics, set up and room. These three items alone (electronics, setup and room) make me think that while similar in nature, but at a critical listening level, each combination is unique and a different snowflake or fingerprint


Listening results

Product delivers as advertised

Meets or exceeds every performance expectation I had hoped for

After approx. 5 hours of listening over 3 days I tried to characterize the sound. The first thought was neutral, but that was understating what I was hearing. I eventually landed on natural or real. The voices and the instruments sound VERY real to me. This is as close as I have come with my electronics, setup and room to sensing that someone is singing to me or that someone or an entire band is playing for me

To date, each song that I’ve played, is the best version of that song that I have heard in a playback, and I’ve listened to all of them 100s and 100s of times

Some of the improvement was by a small margin, but most songs, 65% conservatively speaking, by a vast margin – night and day, game changing stuff

Chet Baker didn’t sound like a presentation from 1958, it sounded as fresh and real as a new recording with the benefits of 60 years of technology advancements. Exile on Main Street didn’t sound like a home recording from 1972 it sounded like 2022 with many layers of percussion, keyboards, horns and background vocals

Is the sound of this $5,000 pair of speakers comparable to the sound of a $30,000 pair of speakers? I don’t know, as mentioned I’ve not heard a pair of $30,000 speakers.

What I do know is the $5,000 pair of speakers, simply put is the best my system has sounded by a wide margin

Again in summary, it sounds real, like someone is singing to me


Experience with the manufacturer

I had hemmed and hawed for 2 or 3 months before placing my order. One day the website mentioned a future price increase but until mmdd you could still order at the current price

I called and spoke with Tammy and told her I wanted to lock in on the current price point but wasn’t sure what product or configuration I wanted

She built an open-ended order with current pricing and told me to contact her when I knew what I wanted

With work travel and other commitments it took me 4 months to finalize which speaker, Moab, which upgrades, beryllium tweeters and Cardas connectors, and what color, white

I was never pressured to make up my mind or that my window for the lower costs was going to expire

Since I was the one dragging my feet, I offered multiple times to pay for the product

Not once did they hint or take me up on my offer to pay in advance

They did not bill me until the product shipped

Once I had made all the config decisions, the build and delivery were again, as advertised

Tammy mentioned a 4–6-week supply chain delay with beryllium, that arrived within her estimated timeframe

Once the beryllium arrived, she said she was waiting on cabinets, eta 5-7 days, followed by build and paint, and shipping approx. 10 days after she received the cabinets

Within 2 weeks Tammy emailed my owner’s manual, unpacking instructions and told me to expect a call from the freight company within the next week

Freight company contacted me on that Fri and scheduled delivery for the very next Mon, Aug 30

The boxes arrived scuffed and with multiple impact points that dented the packing material

There are no blemishes or damage to either speaker cabinet, the packing and packaging worked as designed

Upon unpacking, I didn’t experience a heavy smell of paint or wood, if I put my nose to the cabinet, I could smell fresh paint

The cabinet finish or construction does not appear inferior to anything else in my inventory, KEF, Revel, Klipsch, Paradigm, Polk, and Elac – permission in advance to laugh

Enjoy the journey and happy listening


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I am generally not a conspiracy theorist but are these recurrent Tekton threads and posts an attempt to salvage self inflicted brand damage?

it happens often in life when people are impulsive, emotional and irrational, insufficiently self-aware, and simply cannot help themselves - commonly called ’already underground, but still digging yourself an ever-deeper hole’

sometimes comical, but often unfortunate, and sad to see - depending on the circumstances
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I suspect that Tekton elicits responses positive and negative (which results in a certain amount of defensiveness) because of things that have happened over the years.  Back in 2013 they had a big hit on their hands with the Lores and ended up with backlogs that frustrated people (negative) but tons of praise from those that loved the sound (positive).

The growing pains were resolved but as the company brought out more and more models, they were again slammed by people saying they had too many models with little differentiation.  Again, those that loved those different models jumped in to defend them.

Most will remember the Double Impact better than $10, $15, $20k speaker claims which really set people off and again;  Double Impact owners chimed in to agree they were better than more expensive speakers...almost always both sides making points as though the points were fact vs opinion.

Oh, and lets not forget the tweeter/midrange array which caused lots of ink to be spilled both for and against....and it seemed that the "professional" reviews were mostly positive.

It is fair to say that they make good/excellent sounding products that are a good value at the price...and whether they are "better" than any other speaker at any price is mostly irrelevant until the prospective buyer has heard them and decided to spend their own money.

From a pure market standpoint, they seem to sell a lot of speakers and given the number, there usually aren't too many of them listed on the resale sites...which would seem to indicate happy customers.

What is relevant is when Tekton owners post their assessments and comparisons...positive or negative (and it seems mostly positive) as this is what is actually helpful to those who may be thinking of giving Tekton a try.