Mijostyn I want to get a degree in vibration from the school you went to. To be able to know proofs without testing or research could save a person alot of time. Miller carbon at least brings up the many variables , known and unknown , which are in play.
You need to talk to Lewm and / or read reviews on the RS lab tonearm. It breaks your wild quesses to dead. Is it the best? Who knows which cart system etc...
You might want to read tomic 601 posts. He refers to alot of the issues on this forum. Hasty generalization is one of them. You will have to know what that means, as he defines it quite eloquently. He also brings up, know your guru's taste in music reproduction. My own research has shown me most people have not had enough exposure and or interest in what real music sound like to even begin to evaluate a system. You can have 100 degrees in engineering, mechanics , physics and be tone deaf. The Ad copy guys can write anything. The engineers can tell the ad copy guys whatever.
So we are back to try the gizmo or make your own. Then you will know first hand if you like it or not. Then you will know ,in your system, if it get you closer to what YOU want. So even if that is not what real music sounds like who cares. If it makes you happy thats all that matters.
You need to talk to Lewm and / or read reviews on the RS lab tonearm. It breaks your wild quesses to dead. Is it the best? Who knows which cart system etc...
You might want to read tomic 601 posts. He refers to alot of the issues on this forum. Hasty generalization is one of them. You will have to know what that means, as he defines it quite eloquently. He also brings up, know your guru's taste in music reproduction. My own research has shown me most people have not had enough exposure and or interest in what real music sound like to even begin to evaluate a system. You can have 100 degrees in engineering, mechanics , physics and be tone deaf. The Ad copy guys can write anything. The engineers can tell the ad copy guys whatever.
So we are back to try the gizmo or make your own. Then you will know first hand if you like it or not. Then you will know ,in your system, if it get you closer to what YOU want. So even if that is not what real music sounds like who cares. If it makes you happy thats all that matters.