Do Thiel dealers discount?

I have decided to buy new thiel cs3.7 speaker to replace my old dynaudio.
Crutchfield sells this speaker at facory suggested price.
Also there is a Thiel dealer at one hour driving distance from my house.
Is it worth to visit them expecting to get a discount?
It is unusual that an online megastore sells high-end audio equipments, which makes me not to sure about discounts which we can usually expect from high end audio dealers.
Ptmconsulting...I don't believe the OP was asking for your opinion about the speaker (and by the way, there is nothing further from the truth as to your assertion, as the Thiel 3.7s are very musical as long as you are driving them with the appropriate amp).

Sooloos...yes you should be able to get a discount from an authorized Thiel dealer. Like all things how much of a discount depends on your relationship with the dealer and also how motivated they are to generate a sale. I would think anywhere in the 5%-15% off retail is reasonable to expect and how good of a negotiator you are :-)

By the way, to the point of partnering amp, what amp do you plan on using with the 3.7s?
EVERY dealer will discount, I haven't found one that would not. It's a new world out there with the Internet, dealers know it and they either will learn to play or be gone IMHO.
Thanks very much everyone!
I already have some experience with Thiel speakers.
I had cs 2.3 in 90's, and I enjoyed it very much.
Also my brother has cs 3.7. So I know well about this speaker.
Now it is time to replace my dynaudio contour 3.0, and cs 3.7 is my first choice for new one.
Do anyone have other recommendation to me in this price range?
I don't like B&W 802.
I enjoy all kind of music except hardcore metal.
Or any comments on using 3.7 with bryston 14b?