Do Thiel dealers discount?

I have decided to buy new thiel cs3.7 speaker to replace my old dynaudio.
Crutchfield sells this speaker at facory suggested price.
Also there is a Thiel dealer at one hour driving distance from my house.
Is it worth to visit them expecting to get a discount?
It is unusual that an online megastore sells high-end audio equipments, which makes me not to sure about discounts which we can usually expect from high end audio dealers.
Thiel and Bryston sound great. Congratulations on the 3.7's. I think they are pretty damn amazing. Great choice. I use Bryston with SCS4's, wish I could find the space for 3.7's.
I was quoted $10500 for new 3.7 last year.

The 3.7 is an outstanding speaker and the negative comments just show how important it is to hear them for yourself.
I have used a pair of Bel Canto REF1000Ms with the Thiel 3.7s. Now with Electrocompaniet Nemo