Many of you know david_ten.  David has been a respected and knowledgeable member of this forum for some time.  His musical journey has taken him down an interesting and thoughtful pathway.  He has always been a gentleman with a positive thing to say. When other members were at life's end, it was David who reached out to them. 

I have had the privilege of getting to know David a bit outside the realm of this forum. Sadly, David's safety and home encountered some trying times with the recent devastating hurricane in New Orleans.  Fortunately, he and his family are safe. However, his home sustained significant damage.  Trying to move forward with limited water, food, gasoline, and no electric service has been difficult indeed.

Please offer David a word of encouragement and/or your prayers during this difficult time. I'm sure he would appreciate that.  Yet one more reminder of all that we have to be thankful for.

Thanks to everyone else that has posted their kind and thoughtful remarks since my last post four days ago. 

The offers for financial assistance are generous. Thank you. We are good on that front, for now. 

We still do not have our main internet service. My ability to come on and view and post is limited, since our phone service remains spotty and bandwidth is limited.

If I may, can I suggest we not bicker? 

There are many organizations worth donating to, should one want to do so. It's a very personal choice. 
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It is indeed very sad that New Orleans was put through this tragedy again. Our hearts go out to all people of New Orleans including David and his family, you will be in our prayers! The only good news is that the levees held up which is no accident as the the government spent billions to repair and improve them.
God bless you david_ten.  If there is anything we can do, please let us know.