Tannoy Westminister VS dc10 Instrument Grande V

looking for a large formal loudspeaker for our fairly large formal den 28x40 12 foot ceiling oak floors the space is open and not cluttered I'm not looking for magico even though they are my neighbors and don't like the looks of the big Wilson's plus they are too $$$ I want something that looks like real wood is very efficient and is 50K or less!

I doubt you can do better than Tannoy in terms of sound quality. Advise you get whichever Tannoy suits your needs and wants.
I have'nt heard DC10, though I have heard good things about them, but Tannoy is the business. If you want real wood, efficiency and the ability to reaaly drive a big room, then I can't think of many alternatives.

I have heard them for prolonged periods on a number of occasions, but I'm not a Tannoy Guru. There are real differences between the models, alnico and non alnico magnets etc. You might start with the review of the kingdom royals by Jeff Day in Positive Feedback no 64. It gives some interesting background.
I'd take a close look at the Klipsch Palladiums. High efficiency, great looks, well reviewed. I think there's a special section for them on both the Klipsch forums and website. Good luck.