Drummers! Which amps do you use for best Timing & Dynamics?

Many audio systems fail to deliver a really tight groove with correct dynamics and rock solid timing. The timing must be coherent from lows to highs as well. Some amps time well in the mids but lag behind in the bass. The amp must be lush or free of any hardness at the same time as well.

Please share your choices for amps , sources and speakers. 

In my case I am looking for great low volume performance, huge soundstage that opens up in direction to the listener, and the tight groove of course. Speaker efficiency 88db, minimum impedance 3Ohm.

I have the impression that amps which double into 4 ohm, have zero negative feedback and have high idle power consumption are the best for high current low volume performance.

I also prefer single solid core cables for best timing.

Price up to 5k used.

As bang for buck reference I want to mention the Kinki EX M1 integrated or M7 power amp which has excellent low volume performance and timing. It is slightly lean, cool mechanical and I am interested in other alternatives ( neutral or warm)

You might want to look into Odyssey Audio.These amps are fast, dynamic and give a brilliant density to the music. These are sold factory direct. I have had these in my system powering my Revel Ultima Studios. Amazing.

I am trying to give you an option that you may not like. A lot of AGon people recommend this for turntables. Save a little more to get to where you need to be. My recommendation is Ayre VX-5 Twenty. They can be had close to your budget. Everything is going up in price so you would want to jump quick. You are looking at $5500 to $6000. This amp will take on the fastest drummer. Every single note will come through you will be amazed. If you can’t wait or your budget is really $5k I get it. But keep your eye out for the Ayre VX-5 Twenty. It is the amp you just asked for. If you are in the Chicagoland area this store is a dealer and they let you try before you buy in your own home. https://holmaudio.com/
They sell used gear too incase you are looking for something else. 
If you're looking for the best natural sound setup for drums,  you need to go Planar, as in Magnepan.  No other type of speaker can compete with the speed and transparency of a Planar speaker. It's in the physics....Electrostats can compete with the speed, but not the dynamics.  I own Magnepan 20.1's , as well as Acoustat Spectra 33's.  For speed and transparency,  nothing beats panels....
For the Magnepans I run  Classe CAM350 Monoblocks.  On the Acoustat Spectra's,  Acoustat TNT200's Monoblocks