Warmer sounding CD Players?

Are there warmer(tube like) sounding CD Players then my Music Hall 25? The detail of this cd player is incredible and bass improvement over my old player is just great but I am LP lover (I play 50-50% CD/LP) and my taste seems to lean more towards the warmer sound. I have NAD Receiver and Paradigm Studio 20v3s which are both very neutral and on the warmer side also.
I've had my Music Hall 25 w/level 1plus mods for a while but I'm thinking of trying something warmer,, Any suggestions?
"tube-like"??? I don't get it. Either it has tubes or it doesn't. Mine does. and yes tubes are warmer/more musical.
I'd put my tube cdp up against any ss player. Any.
Yes "tube like", sounds wierd I know but it was the best example I could think of for explaining what sound I would like. Warmer/more musical as you stated is just what I'm looking for.. I'd love a true tube player but that is way out of my league price wise.