I always wonder what sort of (mono) systems were available to Baerwald and Lofgren in the late 1930 or early 1940s, when they published their analyses, and how their work applies to modern stereo gear. Yes, geometry is still geometry, I know.
TomWh, I own an RS Labs underhung tonearm, and it is my experience with it that leads me to be a bit nihilistic when it comes to alignment algorithms. What 14-inch tonearms with zero headshell offset are you using? I guess I assume you mount them so as to underhang the spindle. (Meaning the stylus tip does not overhang the spindle.)
TomWh, I own an RS Labs underhung tonearm, and it is my experience with it that leads me to be a bit nihilistic when it comes to alignment algorithms. What 14-inch tonearms with zero headshell offset are you using? I guess I assume you mount them so as to underhang the spindle. (Meaning the stylus tip does not overhang the spindle.)