I have a good SUT. Need MM Phono Pre for DL103R

Looks like my Lamm LP2 is going to be out for repairs for awhile so I need a MM phono stage to use with my SUT. Any suggestions? I would probably spend $1k used, especially if it was something that was easy to resell in a few months.
JLTi mk4 or mk5 are fantastic MM (MC) phono stages, find used.
I have SUT and Headamp and both are amazing with MM input of my JLTi mk4.
Don’t forget that retail price on JLTi website stated in AU$ (not US$).
Try finding a used Gold Note PH10 has so many settings. Even new you can find one discounted and not much more than you want to spend. May even decide once heard never to sell.
BTW I have Gold Note PH-10 with PSU-10 and JLTi mk4 is cheaper and much better sounding in MM mode than Gold Note in MM mode. 
Why spend a lot for a unit to use while your Lamm is repaired? Get a Schiit Mani for $129. It’s an excellent phono stage! 
I just picked up a Tavish Classic phono from a forum member for use in a 2nd system. I just saw one USAM listed the other day for $450 but I think it’s sold now. It’s a great little unit with an all-tube signal path (5751 at the end preceded by a ECC82 and ECC83). It uses linear regulated high voltage and heater supplies (no switching power supplies) and sounds fantastic coupled with a Rothwell SUT I’m using. The combo cost me $700 used. There’s a ton of bang for the buck there. I’m going to try rolling the 5751 soon but even the stock JJ is remarkably quiet. I’m using with a Hana SL (0.5mv) so similar to your DL103.

As you may imagine, the cart sounds much better through the SUT/MM input than through the Tavish FET-based MC gain stage.