
Never could figure out the affiliation of Porsche to audio gear as there is so much reference to that particular automobile here in this forum. Now I know why, cause it's the "Real Deal!"


This thread is entertaining to say the least.  OP wondered why audio and Porsche seem to go together.  Don't we all appreciate the best of things in life? Its all about personal preferences right? Simple as that.
People might tell me my audio gear sucks and may same for my P-cars, but nobody ever has. Why is everything a " **** measuring contest"?  There are so many who know more about P-cars and audio gear than me. I respect their knowledge and try to learn - in both areas.  Enjoy the drive, er...music       
+1 papafrog

About 9 years ago I made the big mistake of buying a 2002 911 with an aftermarket supercharger. Intent was to buy an 85-99 air cooled 911, but didn’t feel comfortable in an 86 Targa as I’m a bigger guy. It was so fun to drive, but there were problems with the supercharger and I chose to sell it rather than having it yanked. A second mistake. Took quite a bath. Hope in retirement to have a 911 again. 
I had a friend in high school who inherited 30k from an uncle around 1979. He bought a ‘71 911E, and then a ‘67 911S. The latter was a truly amazing car. Mechanical fuel injection with lots of torque. Now worth about 250K.  
Post removed 
I don’t begrudge Kevin Deal or the many Agon members capable of investing serious money into fine cars and audio equipment.  You earned it. If I had the means, I would do the same. David Berning monoblocks and Stenheim full range speakers are a dream that will likely never be realized. 
That said, there is a pompous tone to many posts here. And Kevin just rubs me the wrong way. No need to flaunt your success. Just drive on 

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