Dunlavy SC-IV minus SC-I = a good sub?

After an ear-glazing day at the Stereophile show in 1994, I landed in a room with Dunlavy SC-IVs, and right away felt they were the best thing I'd heard, just sounded good. I ended up hanging out there a long time.

I'd like to try some Dunlavys though I'll never get to audition any here in the desert...and see used SC-Is are quite reasonable (and shippable).

Clearly they won't have the bass of an SC-II, III, or IV. But to what degree would a sub make up any differences? Would the SC-I plus a sub give me a good sense of how larger Dunlavys might sound?

Thanks for generously sharing any thoughts.
Prdprez, based on your experience, which modal is the best sounding Dunlavy seakers?

My experience (as is most others familiar with the line) is that they all sound pretty much exactly the same with the exception of bass extension and linearity in larger rooms.

Though, were I to pick just one, it would be the SC-5.
That one was the only one to use a slightly smaller and more dynamic midrange cone. To my ear, this meant better midrange clarity and tone. But it still retained the ability to play 20Hz with power, even in large rooms.

Case in point..... In my party days I used to come home from the clubs and crank up some 20Hz sine waves late at night. It was juvenile fun hearing my apartment neighbors talk about the minor "earthquake" we experience the night before.
From searching on the internet, I do realized that some of the SC-5 I saw used dome mid and some used cone mid.

Do you know the story behind the change? Which came first, the dome or the cone?
The Dome came first. But it didn't last long in production.
The domes had wonderful measurements. Absolutely superior impulse response. But often failed in the field, many times due to nothing more than shipping.
The cones soon replaced them and didn't change after that.
I loved the Dunlavy line. I started with the 4's and ended up with the 5's. I really only sold them because they were too big and not attractive enough for my wife when I got married. The SC-5 is a great speaker. I do miss them but the Vandersteen 5A is keeping me quite happy these days at a more manageable size. A used pair of 5's would be a great deal if you have the space and don't mind the fairly Spartan cabinet finish.