Esoteric X 03 Power Cord and Interconnect Recommen

Associated equipment: Jeff Rowland Synergy pre amp & 501 amps. B&W 802D speakers. I am currently using Cardas Golden Cross IC and Custom Power Cord Model 11 on all equipment.
I moved from the Golden Cross to Golden Ref and have stuck with them ever since.
Have also had good luck with Shunyata vX cords on digital front ends.
You have great equipment. The Esoteric's are killer. I love my DV50. For power and interconnects, the best you can get. Rowland gear seems to like Cardas. I've owned Golden Cross and Golden Reference, and liked the GR better.

You might consider Purist Venestas, Opis, or Dominus for Interconnect. Purist Dominus for Power. I seem to like this in my system and on my Esoteric better than the Cardas or Transparent Ref w/xl. I've all all of these, so it's from personal experience.

Good luck!