
Never could figure out the affiliation of Porsche to audio gear as there is so much reference to that particular automobile here in this forum. Now I know why, cause it's the "Real Deal!"


I had a friend in high school who inherited 30k from an uncle around 1979. He bought a ‘71 911E, and then a ‘67 911S. The latter was a truly amazing car. Mechanical fuel injection with lots of torque. Now worth about 250K.

Have you ever seen a 67 S worth that kind of money? I have.

At the time I was PCA president of PNWR. Paul Risinger lived nearby. Seen his 67 911S many times. The car is so freaking perfect you cannot believe!

Paul did a Tech Session one time where he talked about how he does it. Most guys will devote a day or a long weekend to detailing the whole car. Paul picks one small part of the car like say the left front fender and spends a week or so perfecting just that one area.

But Paul’s 67 911S is no garage queen. Bought new, it has been to Death Valley, and from there all the way to the arctic circle! Paul tells the story of driving one day and getting tired. Really tired. Was having so much fun driving, couldn’t figure out why he was so tired. Wife too. Until they realized the sun never sets, they had been driving all through the "night"!

Your comment about the 67 S made me curious. As many places as this car has been, as much fame and glory as the Risinger’s achieved, it had to be on-line. Sure enough. $250k is low. Try $385k! https://www.early911sregistry.org/forums/showthread.php?103101-FS-RS-1967-Porsche-911S-Pristine-Conc...

The car is one thing, but Paul and Shirley are another. Nicest most genuine people I ever met. Beautiful home in a beautiful neighborhood, made unbelievably harmonious thanks to their rallying their neighbors into landscaping with all Washington native plants. Imagine a neighborhood transformed into a National Park. They held concours in their back yard, gleaming Porsche cars on perfect green grass. Then we sit and enjoy the food and drink and conversation while gazing at all these beautiful, beautiful Porsches.

Thank you so much dcevan for bringing these memories back again. Thanks a million.

Post removed 
Thanks MC. My father in law’s cousin (whom we affectionately call Uncle Ron) and his wife Nina recently sold their truly stunning home on the Quail golf course in Carmel.  My wife and I were invited as their guests on several occasions to attend the Concours on the Quail, as he knew I was a Porsche enthusiast. Regrettably never attended. We stayed in their beautiful home several times —- and like the Risingers, as you eloquently put it, the home and surrounding landscape are one thing, but Ron and Nina are another.  Very humble, genuine, gracious people who took us to an estuary, wineries, Doris Day’s restaurant in Carmel. Sadly they are having health issues and moved to an assisted living facility recently. 
No offense taken. Appreciate the correction. I recently took an OP to task about their over abundance of commas and lack of periods.  Now that is being snarky. 
Noticed that I texted above my intent 9 years ago was to purchase an 85-99 air-cooled Porsche. I’m sure most here, if they recognized the typo, realized that I meant 85-89, knowing the last air-cooled Porsche was manufactured in ‘96. 
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