Pass XA 25 versus Parasound A21+ - anyone compare?

Basically I'm looking at solid state amps to run my current Totem Rainmakers - with the possibility of upgrading the speakers to Joseph Audio Pulsars (used if I can find some) as well.

My listening room is modest sized - about 18' by 13" with 8' foot ceiling.

Rest of system: Naim cd 5 player, Hana EL cartridge on a vintage Pioneer 600 table, Classe DR 5 II preamp.  Amp to be replaced is original Adcom 555.

I'm thinking both could work well, with the Parasound providing more dynamics and the Pass more finesse.  Obviously the Pass is about an extra $1000, which is a factor given the modestly priced system.  Also no balanced option with the Pass - not sure that is important.

BTW no Pass or Joseph dealer in my area (Atlanta), though Parasound is available for a listen.

After starting this thread last year I ended up buying the XA 25.  Running it with Joseph Audio Pulsar 2's.

Very happy with the sound.  Neutral tonal balance, liquid and dimensional with good staging.  Bass is very good, tuneful, with good output down to about 40 hertz in my moderate sized room.  I can play to loud levels with no sense of strain from the amp, though I do not listen at VERY loud levels.  Some may need more headroom with such a modest sensitivity speaker in a large room.

Overall very pleased with the Pass.

Just my experience.
@bobbydd Excellent  info, thanks.  
I thought it appropriate that I continue the thread as I have lived with an a21+ for the better part of a year and now have the Pass Labs XA25 to compare.  
So far the a21+ sounds much better in my system but the XA25 has only 20 hrs or so on it- however it has a lot of work to do to stay.  

Did you have similar slight edginess when yours was new?  
My Int-25 had some edgy treble to begin with but smoothed out considerably after a week of constant playing. Also running Harbeths.
@voodoochillin    thanks, i am hopeful the same will happen or back it goes and i keep the parasound.  
Honestly, I hear no edge or grain with the XA 25.  This is with the Pulsar's, which have quite a revealing but very low distortion tweeter.

I am not very familiar with the Harbeth's, but I doubt there would be any adverse interaction between those components.
